Saturday, October 8, 2011

Six weeks in!

Hello and hello, welcome to my blog!

Well folks, believe it or not, I have been living in Keene, New Hampshire for six weeks now. My home for the next year. Why Keene? I am completing a dietetic internship through Keene State College. It's a post-grad nutrition program that will lead me to get my Registered Dietitian license. I'll complete a series of rotations within the specialties of food service, community, and clinical nutrition... gaining all kinds of experience along the way.

Right now, I am in the middle of my food service rotation. I'm working at a local high school, learning  about what goes in to feeding kids in the public school system each day. It is giving me a lot to think (and dream) about how I want to use my knowledge and experiences to influence this powerful food system. After all... that's why I'm here!

And just like that, I am six weeks into my program. Over the next year, I will not only be super-busy with my rotations, classes, homework, and internship projects, but also taking advantage of this amazing part of New England! And the best way to enjoy a new place is, of course, to eat your way through it.

I hope this blog becomes a showcase of wonderful things tasted, cooked, baked, seasoned and enjoyed. Thanks for joining me in this new adventure!

Speaking of adventures... some of my fellow interns and I hiked Mt. Monadnock today. It was beautiful! Here's a view from the top. (Kelly W, Emily, me, Jo-Ann, Heather, and Kelly B)

1 comment:

  1. love you are doing this, my bestest, foodie friend :)
